This website is Ran by who?
GooSantorini rans the website, as well as the sub-sites constituting of videos, text, pictures, services, software, goods, and any other datapresented or contained in the GooSantorini website, basically, the Website. One can contact us via email at .
2. Application of the Terms and Conditions
Together with the Privacy policy, these Terms and conditions typically refer to any usage of this Website. For the Website visitors, they may continue and use this website provided they have read and comprehended the Privacy policy, and they consent to the Terms of Use. To go ahead and continue using the Website or any one of its parts, it implies that the visitors have read and comprehended Terms of Use, as well as the Privacy Policy, consequently agreeing to be subjected to the entire Terms of Use.
3. Liability Limitation
GooSantorini’s liability is excluded as well as that of independent contractors and agents, its executives and talents, sub-agents as well as supplyassociates for any damages that relate to the visitor’s access to or theirincapability to access the GooSantorini website, or to omissions orerrors, or outcomesgot from usage of this Website, regardless of legal foundation of this type ofliability. This, however, does not include the liability for any damages that are as a result of willfully or gross negligence. However, the liability in such cases will be up to the extent that is permitted by applicable regulations. Liability limitation doesn’t apply within the range of the issued guarantees in case injury to life, health or limboccurs, or for the claims that are centered on product liability regulations.
4. Terms and Conditions Amendments
The terms and Conditions may be amended by GooSantorini instantly and at any given time. Any amendments that are made typically take effect as of the date they are published on the website. It is the expectation of GooSantorini that visitors consult this section regularly so as to ensure that they familiarize themselves with the applicable Terms and Conditions of the Website. If a visitor goes on to use the Website after such amendments, it implies that they agree with the amendment.
5. Jurisdiction and applicable law
Greece law will apply. This, however, will not include the United Nations Convention on Agreements for the Globalgoods sale. For instance, customers residing in other countries around the worldplacing orders.
6. Payments
6.1 When it comes to the fees, the users are to pay for any service provided by the supplier, the service contract finalized with thee supplier is going to apply.
6.2 Suppliers have given GooSantorini permission to collect any invoiced amount in the name on their behalf, on condition that in the invoice of the supplier, nothing else has been clearly stated. GooSantorini has a right to demand settlement in the user’s domestic currency in the case where the user is expected to pay claims using a different currency to that of its domestic currency, that is, claims for settlement in foreign currencies. Foreign currency claims may be converted with reference to the current rate of exchange at the time the agreement is finalized. For this, the user can be charged an appropriate conversion charge by GooSantorini.
6.3 Respective suppliers are the contract partners and contact partners of users in connection with service agreements and their settlement. Therefore, users can only settle agreements withthe respective suppliers. Suppliers can process refunds they had guaranteed through GooSantorini. Communication through the platform provided by GooSantorini is recommended so as to simplify the entire process for the users.
6.4 Users are required to register for them to be able to use GooSantorini payment functions. Users are required to enter the right settlementinformation and consequently update the specifics instantly in the case where changes are made. The method of payment that the user has specified can be rejected by GooSantorini. During the process of placing an order, users will be made aware of the methods of payment that are permitted for respective services.
6.5 Users typically consent to the payment information they provided for payment collection by creditors when authorization of payment occurs. Depending on a credit rating check of the user, the right to utilize the GooSantorini Payment function is reserved by GooSantorini.
7. Obligations and Duties of users
7.1 It is the duty of the user to keep the registration data, that is, the password and the user login. They should not third parties to use their registration data to access GooSantorini Portal. On the GooSantorini Portal, the users are, therefore, accountable for their user account.
7.2 Users may send their orders to GooSantorini so that they can forward these orders to the suppliers, as soon as they receive the service information.
7.3 Unless it is GooSantorini fault, users, will exempt GooSantorini from all third-party demands that are based on their use of the GooSantorini Platform.
8. Liabilities
8.1 GooSantorini isn‘t liable for the achievement of corresponding agreements with the suppliers with regard to users booking requests in case GooSantorini has not taken on a corresponding contractual obligation through a clear agreement with users.
8.2 Additionally, GooSantorini isn’t accountable for flaws in the service performance as well as material and personal damage that is incurred by users in connection with travel service and general services that have been provided, if an explicit assurance or agreement of this kind does not exist. In accordance with the legal term package holiday, in case there is the provision of several tourist services, this doesn’t apply exceptwhen GooSantorini provides the impression, in accordance with Section 651a, paragraph 2, BGB that GooSantorini will perform the plannedtravel services under the company’s responsibility.
8.3 For GooSantorini, any liability which is as a result of culpable breach of responsibilities in brokering of contracts will remain unaffected by the conditions mentioned earlier.
8.4 When it comes to contractual user’s claims, GooSantorini liability is consequently limited to thrice the price of services of the tourist s that were secured. This, however, does not apply in case there is a breach of major obligations that require to be achieved to allow correct execution of brokering contracts. Also, it doesn’t apply when there is a breach that endangers the achievement of contractual obligations.
• GooSantorini is liable for any damage that the user incurs as a result of injury to life, health, or limb, which is caused by GooSantorini’s negligent violation of duty.
• GooSantorini is liable for any other lossthe user incurs as a result of grossor willful negligent violation of duty by GooSantorini or its vicarious agent or legal representative.
8.5 GooSantorini is only accountable for a breach of major contractual responsibility as well asonly for typical and foreseeable damage when it comes to ordinary negligence. Obligations requiring fulfilment so as to allowproper contract execution possible, whereby they can be relied on regularly by the user to be fulfilled, constitute major contractual obligations.
8.6 Within the scope of the issued guarantees, liability limitations don’t apply in case of injury to life, health, or limb or for demands that are based on produce liability regulations.
9. Cancelations
By blocking their user account, a user can consequently cancel his or her registration on the GooSantorini portal. With a notice of one week, GooSantorini can cancel a user’s registration unilaterally. However, claims that had arisen before doing this will not be affected. The user’sright to extraordinary cancellation will not be affected.
10. Protection of data
10.1 GooSantorini gathers and consequently uses the users’ personal data to the degreeperceived essential for design and content creation, orforalteration of contractual circumstances for GooSantorini between GooSantorini and the users.
10.2 GooSantorini normally takes part incommunication for service contracts between respective Suppliers and the users by basically transferringthe data needed for the contract to respective Suppliers. In turn, the supplier consequently processes and utilizes this data in initiating, concluding,and ultimately executing the agreement on GooSantorini’s responsibility. The booking dialogue acts as a good source of respective Suppliers’ identity.
12. Truthful details
It is imperative for details that are transferred through the GooSantorini Platform to be truthful. The right to withdraw from agreements or excluding the users from taking part in a service and to claim compensation that amount to the cost of cancellation in accordance with Section 11 of part III of the General Terms and Conditions of tours Supplier as well as any other tourist services is reserved by the supplier in case the user provides defective details.
13. Payment
The total price that was agreed upon for the service that was provided is typically due upon the fulfilment of the agreement.
14. Unpaid services
In case a user refers to do not pay for the booked service in relation to the date that had been agreed upon when payment was to be made, despite Suppliers being is ready as well as able to consequentlycarry out the promised service and there is no contractual or legal right to retain the user or the user provided by an account owner, then the Supplier has the right toabandon the agreement and subsequently charge the useror the user the account owner has provided, for withdrawal costs in accordance with point 11.
15. Guidelines for cancellation
15.1 Conditions of cancellation that are stated in the description of the product and the user’s voucher typically apply in case the user cancels or rejects the activity. Users are always advised by GooSantorini to cautiously read all the material in description of the product.
15.2 The tourist services suppliers normally charge the following cancellation fees:
a. Full refund: This is for up to 3 days prior to the beginning of the activities.
b. No refund. This is for less than 3 days in the case of a no-show, or prior to the beginning of activities.
This only happens in case there no differing cancellation conditions in the description of the product of the user’s supplier.
15.3 The user or the person the user refers to have a right to prove to suppliers that suppliershaven’t sustained any damage whatsoever, or significantly less damage relative to the fee the supplier charged.
15.4 In case a supplier is able to prove that he or she sustained considerably higher costs relative to the correspondingly appropriate flat-rate fee, then the supplier has the right to consequently demand higher, exact compensation rather that the aforementioned flat-rate price. However, in such a case, suppliers are required to produce exact figures as well as proof the compensation that has been requested, taking into consideration the expenses that have been saved as well as any other services use.
15.5 The same method of payment is used to do refunds. The total amount is credited always at the end of the up-to-date invoicing period, in case of credit cards that are charged each month. The credit card agreement of the user determines the exact time a refund will be done. When it comes to bank transfers, the refund will be done within seven working days of a bank.
16. Extraordinary cancellation
In the case where strikes, official measures, weather conditions, or any other unavoidable or unforeseeable external circumstances, particularly force majeure consequently make execution of activities impossible, that endangers it or make it significantly more difficult, and Suppliers can go ahead and cancel activities on the date that was agreed upon without considering a period of notice. The paid the price in such a case is normally refunded.
17. Participation exclusion
In case the participation of the user can endanger him or her or other people, or the user does not meet the personal participation requirements, or the user can make the activities impossible in the long-run in any other way, the Supplier has the right to exclude the userfrom the activities. The people referred by the users are also subjected to these conditions. The fee that had paid can’t be refunded in such cases.
18. Changes to the program
Additionally, suppliers normally have the right to consequently carry out non-essential alterations to the program, in case it becomes necessary as a result of ofunavoidable or unforeseeable circumstances.